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Kentucky Base and Elevation Maps

The two maps shown here are digital base and elevation maps of Kentucky. Higher resolution maps like these and many other digital maps, wall maps, custom radius maps, travel maps, travel guides, map software, and globes and games, for business and the classroom, are available to purchase from Maps.com - The World's Largest Maps Store!. Enter code "NETSTATE" at checkout for 10% off orders of $50 or more!

Kentucky map This Kentucky base map highlights the location of the state capitol, Frankfort, and other major cities throughout the state. Portions of Kentucky's border states, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, and Missouri are included to show the relationship between Kentucky and its neighbors. A small inset shows Kentucky among the other 47 Continental United States.
Kentucky base map, Courtesy of Maps.com.
Kentucky map This elevation map of Kentucky illustrates the number of feet or meters the state rises above sea level. As you can see, the highest elevations in the state are along Kentucky's borders with Virginia and Tennessee.

The lowest point in Kentucky is at the Mississippi River in Fulton County, 257 feet above sea level.

The highest point in Kentucky, at 4,139 feet above sea level, is Black Mountain. It's located among the Appalachian Mountains, near the Virginia border, in Harlan County, about 135 miles southeast of Lexington.

[ Topographic map | Arial photograph ]

Kentucky elevation map, Courtesy of Maps.com.


Additional information

Kentucky maps: Additional maps and map links from NETSTATE.COM.

Kentucky geography: More Kentucky geography from NETSTATE.COM.

State elevations: State elevations listed by mean elevation, state high point and state low point.

Purchase Kentucky maps: Maps.com - The World's Largest Maps Store!
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