Though not indicated specifically, it's generally accepted that the intention of the legislation was to name the Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis) the official state fish.
The following information was excerpted from the New Mexico Revised Statutes, Chapter 12, Article 3, Section 12-3-4.
CHAPTER 12 - Miscellaneous Public Affairs Matters.
ARTICLE 3 - State Seal, Song and Symbols.
SECTION 12-3-4.
12-3-4. State flower; state bird; state tree; state fish; state animal; state vegetables; state gem; state grass; state fossil; state cookie; state insect; state question; state answer; state nickname; state butterfly; state reptile; state amphibian; state aircraft; state historic railroad.
A. The yucca flower is adopted as the official flower of New Mexico.
B. The chaparral bird, commonly called roadrunner, is adopted as the official bird of New Mexico.
C. The nut pine or pinon tree, scientifically known as Pinus edulis, is adopted as the official tree of New Mexico.
D. The native New Mexico cutthroat trout is adopted as the official fish of New Mexico.
E. The native New Mexico black bear is adopted as the official animal of New Mexico.
F. The chile, the Spanish adaptation of the chilli, and the pinto bean, commonly known as the frijol, are adopted as the official vegetables of New Mexico.
G. The turquoise is adopted as the official gem of New Mexico.
H. The blue grama grass, scientifically known as Bouteloua gracillis, is adopted as the official grass of New Mexico.
I. The coelophysis is adopted as the official fossil of New Mexico.
J. The bizcochito is adopted as the official cookie of New Mexico.
K. The tarantula hawk wasp, scientifically known as Pepsis formosa, is adopted as the official insect of New Mexico.
L. "Red or green?" is adopted as the official question of New Mexico.
M. "Red and green or Christmas" is adopted as the official answer of New Mexico.
N. "The Land of Enchantment" is adopted as the official nickname of New Mexico.
O. The Sandia hairstreak is adopted as the official butterfly of New Mexico.
P. The New Mexico whiptail lizard, scientifically known as Cnemidophorus neomexicanus, is adopted as the official reptile of New Mexico.
Q. The New Mexico spadefoot toad, scientifically known as Spea multiplicata, is adopted as the official amphibian of New Mexico.
R. The hot air balloon is adopted as the official aircraft of New Mexico.
S. The Cumbres and Toltec scenic railroad is adopted as the official historic railroad of New Mexico.
New Mexico Statutes. New Mexico Legislature. 2009. 11 March 2009
Shearer, Benjamin F. and Barbara S. State Names, Seals, Flags and Symbols: A Historical Guide Third Edition, Revised and Expanded. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 3 Sub edition, 2001.
Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki viriginalis): The Western Native Trout Campaign.
Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout: "Saving the Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout," from the Center for Biological Diversity.
Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout: CalPhoto photographs. The Biodiversity Sciences Technology group (BSCIT), a part of the Berkeley Natural History Museums at the University of California, Berkeley.
Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis - (Girard, 1856): NatureServe Explorer: An Online Encyclopedia of Life.
Fishing Information: Complete state fishing information from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.
State Fish: Complete list of official state fish.
More symbols & emblems: Complete list of official New Mexico state symbols.
Fly Fishing New Mexico, by Taylor Streit. 44 pages. David Communications; 2nd edition (June 1, 2004) This short, soft-cover book provides a wealth of tips and trips for the beginner to the advanced fly-fisher. Mr. Streit has been New Mexico's foremost fly fishing authority and professional guide. He's developed many fly patterns used throughout the region. Taylor reopened the Taos Fly Shop with his son Nick. He makes winter fly fishing pilgrimages to Argentina where he escorts fly fishers and explores.
Fly-Fishing in Northern New Mexico, by Craig Martin. 250 pages. University of New Mexico Press (August 1991) Fly Fishing in Northern New Mexico is a comprehensive guide to more than thirty streams and twelve lakes. This revised edition contains new, specialized information on access, equipment, stream characteristics, trout species and size, timing of insect hatches, as well as artificial fly patterns likely to result in success.
Fly-Fishing in Southern New Mexic, by Rex Johnson, Jr., Ronald Smorynski. 208 pages. University of New Mexico Press; 1st edition (August 1, 1998) This unique guide leads the fly-fisherman to little-known trout waters in the remote mountains and canyons of southern New Mexico. Part One reviews trout species in southern New Mexico, fishing regulations, and safety tips. Part Two describes trout streams and lakes in southwestern New Mexico: the Gila National Forest, Pinos Altos Range, Black Range, Mogollon Creek System, San Francisco River system, and Blue River. Part Three is devoted to the waters of the Sacramento Mountains, Zuni Mountains, and the Rio Grande.
Fly Patterns of Northern New Mexico, by Karen Denison, William Orr. 160 pages. University of New Mexico Press; 1st edition (May 4, 2000) The fifty fly patterns described in these pages have proven reliable in the fly-fishing streams and rivers of northern New Mexico over many years. Developed by thirty locally respected tyers, they are not widely known or sold commercially outside the region. None are either legally patented or copied from widely known standard flies or patterns.
Fly-Fishing Western Trout Streams, by Jim McLennan. 160 pages. Stackpole Books; 1 edition (February 2003) Author Jim McLennan takes readers out on the water to show in detail how best to fish trout streams in the West from Canada to Mexico. The lessons come directly from McLennan's experiences on the water. Covers tactics for dry fly fishing as well as fishing from a drift boat.
River Journal: Rio Grande, by Craig Martin. Frank Amato Publications (February 1998) Learn more about this magnificent waterway, including where to wet a line in both Colorado and New Mexico and what flies to use, from this edition of the River Journal series. The book's large, color format, sumptuous photography, and lively, descriptive text bring the river and its angling possibilities to life.
Trout and Salmon of North America, by Robert J. Behnke. 384 pages. Free Press (September 24, 2002) Behnke, professor emeritus of fishery and wildlife biology at Colorado State University, has brought his more than 50 years of studying, and fishing for salmon and trout, to wonderful effect. He provides readers with an authoritative compendium of the evolution, biology, ecology, habitats and behaviors of these prized game fish. A capsule legend that includes scientific name, other common names, habitat, size, life span and diet accompanies each entry, amazingly illustrated by Tomelleri, whose fish seem to shimmer on the pages. Habitat maps, which include coastal waters, rivers, streams and lakes, are detailed and specific enough to be taken on fishing excursions. The book includes a good deal of fishing lore, as in the notations that describe the best flies, bait and lures for specific types of fish and locales.
Native Trout of Western North America , by Robert J. Behnke. 275 pages. American Fisheries Society (December 1992) This book results from almost four decades of research and practical experience with this group of fishes. This work addresses the evolution, taxonomy, and present distributions of members of this group of fishes (cutthroat, rainbow, Gila, and related indigenous trout of the West), and proposes a conservation philosophy to sustain them.
About Trout: The Best of Robert Behnke from Trout Magazine, by Robert J. Behnke. 272 pages. The Lyons Press (September 1, 2007) Behnke brings scientific expertise, a sense of humor and a flair for drama to this collection of 43 essays previously published as his About Trout column in conservation organization Trout Unlimited's Trout magazine. Behnke considers the evolution, historic and current distribution, biological characteristics and defining physical traits of various species of trout and salmon-from the common brown trout and well-known Atlantic salmon to the rare Apache trout and the once-presumed extinct, now-endangered Alvord cutthroat trout.
Trout, by Ray Bergman. 576 pages. The Derrydale Press (October 25, 2000) Trout is arguably the finest single volume ever produced on how, why, and where to catch trout. In spite of being originally published in 1938 (Penn Publishing Company), it remains utterly relevant.
Trout Rigs & Methods, by Dave Hughes. 322 pages. Stackpole Books (January 10, 2007) Clear and simple instruction and explanation describes 18 trout rigs and 81 methods to fish them. In moving water: rigs and methods for dry flies and emergers, nymphs, wet flies, streamers, and dry flies and droppers. In stillwater: dry flies and sunk flies.Fly fishers learn the specifics of the rig--types of fly line, lengths and tapers of leader and tippet, the flies, and split shot, putty weight, strike indicators, droppers, point flies, and indicators--and the full array of methods to present the rig to the trout.
Essential Trout Flies, by Dave Hughes. 92 pages. Stackpole Books (April 2000) A core list of flies that will catch trout anywhere, in every season, this collection includes the most important patterns in a wide range of styles, from dry flies to streamers. The tying steps for each pattern are illustrated in step-by-step photos with detailed captions, followed by photos and recipes for the six most useful variations-217 patterns in all. Each chapter features a description of the insect the pattern imitates as well as expert information on how and when to fish the fly.
Rivers of Restoration: Trout Unlimited's First 50 Years of Conservation, by John Ross. 192 pages. Skyhorse Publishing (September 8, 2008) For fifty years, the volunteers of Trout Unlimited have strived to restore, sustain, and preserve the nation's trout and salmon waters. Weaving together human and natural histories, Ross tells the stories of twenty watersheds where Trout Unlimited has labored to save rivers damaged by human shortsightedness.
Trout & Salmon, [ Magazine Subscription ] Features, news on all aspects of game fishing.
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including rods, reels, rod and reel combinations, fly fishing gear, bait and spin casting rods and reels, ice fishing equipment, lures and flies, and other accessories. All major brands.
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